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Brutal army squad pack.
- 4 character classes: engineer, medic, assault and heavy.
(jointed version with soldier + gun single mesh included)
(each soldier + all guns in a single file are supplied as well)
- 6 guns, grenade and blowtorch. Included as static files as extra bonus.
- each character can use all the guns with suitable animations.
- 2048x2048 .tga texture per each character.
- 70 animations
0 - 9 T-pose
10 - 40 walk01
45 - 75 walk-back
80 - 110 walk02
115 - 145 walk03
150 - 180 strafe-right
185 - 215 strafe-left
220 - 240 run01
245 - 265 run02
270 - 290 run03
295 - 325 run-jump
330 - 365 jump
370 - 470 idle01
495 - 590 idle02
595 - 770 idle03
790 - 800 hit01
800 - 815 hit02
815 - 880 death01
885 - 930 death02
930 - 990 get-up
990 - 1010 attack01
1010 - 1030 attack02
1030 - 1050 attack03
1050 - 1080 attack04
1080 - 1110 attack05
1115 - 1125 stand_firing_rifle_one
1125 - 1145 stand_firing_rifle
1150 - 1160 stand_firing_minigun
1160 - 1185 stand_firing_shotgun
1190 - 1240 stand_firing_flamethrow
1245 - 1260 stand_firing_pisol
1265 - 1280 kneel
1280 - 1380 knee_idle
1380 - 1390 knee_firing_rifle_one
1390 - 1410 knee_firing_rifle
1410 - 1420 knee_firing_minigun
1420 - 1445 knee_firing_shotgun
1450 - 1500 knee_firing_flamethrow
1510 - 1525 knee_firing_pisol
1525 - 1540 stand_up
1545 - 1575 walk_firing_rifle-minigun
1580 - 1610 walk_firing_shotgun
1615 - 1645 walk_firing_flamethrow
1650 - 1680 walk_firing_pistol
1685 - 1710 rpg_take
1710 - 1740 rpg_idle
1760 - 1790 rpg_walk
1790 - 1820 rpg_walk_firing
1830 - 1850 rpg_run
1860 - 1880 rpg_kneel
1880 - 1940 rpg_kneel_idle
1940 - 1960 rpg_kneel_firing
1960 - 1980 rpg_kneel_stand_up
1990 - 2020 switch_weapon
2030 - 2070 use_01
2070 - 2150 use_02
2150 - 2195 use_03
2200 - 2225 granade
2225 - 2290 reload
2300 - 2340 emo01
2340 - 2390 emo02
2390 - 2450 emo03
2450 - 2550 chat01
2550 - 2730 chat02
2730 - 2980 chat03
2980 - 3120 chat04
3125 - 3325 sitting
3330 - 3430 sitting_on_ground
3435 - 3535 sleep_on_ground
3550 - 3585 swim