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Formats included:


Goblins undead lowpoly 3d animated modular kit.
Separate head, 2 parts hands, body, legs and eyes.
3 stages: normal goblin, zombie, skeleton.
Each part is interchangeable. Normal goblin can have a skeleton leg or half a zombie hand.
Each stage has 4 texture styles allowing a variety of character build modifications.
3 weapons: axe, spiked club, bone.
Nextgen 2048x2048.tga textures: diffuse,normal, specular, ambient occlusion.

46 animations:

10 - 200 idle01
205 - 300 idle02
305 - 435 idle03
440 - 670 idle04
680 - 895 idle05
900 - 940 walk01
960 - 1030 walk02
1035 - 1065 walk03
1070 - 1100 walk04
1102 - 1138 walk05
1140 - 1170 strafe-left
1175 - 1205 strafe-right
1210 - 1240 walk-left-45
1245 - 1275 walk-right-45
1280 - 1310 walk-back
1315 - 1365 run01
1370 - 1390 run02
1395 - 1415 run03
1420 - 1450 run-jump
1455 - 1475 run-left-45
1480 - 1500 run-right-45
1505 - 1545 ready_to_action
1550 - 1570 hit01
1570 - 1590 hit02
1590 - 1610 hit03
1610 - 1630 hit04
1635 - 1685 death01
1690 - 1735 death02
1740 - 1800 death03
1805 - 1905 death04
1910 - 2010 death05
2015 - 2045 attack01
2045 - 2070 attack02
2070 - 2100 attack03
2100 - 2140 attack04
2140 - 2165 attack05
2165 - 2215 attack06
2220 - 2240 block_pose
2245 - 2325 scare
2330 - 2430 scared
2435 - 2535 emo01
2540 - 2605 emo02
2605 - 2665 emo03
2665 - 2725 emo04
2725 - 2795 emo05
2795 - 2890 eat