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Formats included:


Fully rigged and animated 3D cartoony cats megapack. 
Optimized for real-time engines and suitable for high quality renders. 
3 mesh models+ 20 textures skins for each (1024x1024)
over 60 animations 

Triangles count:
Low LOD: 1454  
High LOD: 7050

Animations list:
000 - 030 head following (up/down) 
030 - 060 low jump (reaching up) 
065 - 090 caught ball 
090 - 130 pushing ball 
135 - 165 chasing 
180 - 240 antisipation/curiosity 
240 - 330 rolling on the back 
330 - 490 turning around 
490 - 600 begging for food 
600 - 700 eating/drinking 
700 - 780 eating/drinking2 
780 - 900 pooping/peeing 
900 - 930 puking 
940 - 980 walking normal 
990 - 1020 run 
1030 - 1060 turn left 
1060 - 1090 turn right 
1100 - 1140 move left 
1150 - 1190 move right 
1200 - 1240 move back 
1250 - 1290 jump low 
1290 - 1350 jump high 
1350 - 1430 standing on two legs 
1430 - 1530 licking 
1530 - 1630 rolling on floor 
1640 - 1690 pulling rope 
1700 - 1800 chasing tail 
1800 - 1900 nervous 
1900 - 1960 angry/agerssive 
1960 - 2020 scratching ground 
2030 - 2110 sex 
2120 - 2200 cautious 
2200 - 2300 sniffing ground 
2300 - 2400 digging/scratching 
2410 - 2450 walk cautiously 
2460 - 2520 angry/agressive2 
2530 - 2580 stalking prey 
2590 - 2670 hitting with a paw 
2680 - 2720 sitting calm/purring 
2720 - 2840 sitting and looking around 
2850 - 2900 lay down (side) 
2900 - 2950 lay idle (side) 
2950 - 3000 get up (side) 
3000 - 3050 lay down (front) 
3050 - 3100 lay idle (front) 
3100 - 3150 Get up (front) 
3150 - 3200 scratching head (back paw) 
3200 - 3250 licking paw 
3250 - 3300 scratching butt (ground) 
3300 - 3400 licking tail 
3410 - 3450 limping 
3460 - 3520 walk slow (exhausted) 
3530 - 3600 die fast 
3610 - 3720 die slow 
3730 - 3780 sleep in a ball (start) 
3780 - 3820 sleep in a ball (loop) 
3870 - 3970 stretching 
3970 - 4210 washing 
4210 - 4250 drooling/playing 
4250 - 4390 catching rope on the floor