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Formats included:


Animated realzombies collection.

- 3 male body meshes and 3 female body meshes. 
- 20 different skin textures for both mesh version.
- total 120 combinations.
- perfectly optimized for mobiles. 
Average triangles count ~700 per model.

000 - 003 T-POSE 
005 - 100 Idle1 
110 - 240 Idle2 
250 - 330 Idle3 
340 - 390 walk 
400 - 440 run 
450 - 500 hit reaction1
500 - 550 hit reaction2
550 - 600 hit reaction3
600 - 650 Attack1 
650 - 720 Attack2 
720 - 780 death1 
800 - 870 death2 
900 - 980 death3 
1000 - 1150 stand up 
1160 - 1200 eat_start
1200 - 1290 eat_loop 
1290 - 1350 eat_end 
1360 - 1400 walk_back
1410 - 1430 run_fast 
1440 - 1490 crawl
1490 - 1550 crawl attack
1550 - 1600 crawl idle
1600 - 1650 crawl death
1660 - 1700 lunatic walk
1710 - 1738 pose defence
1740 - 1769 pose 0 
1770 - 1840 arise-01 
1860 - 1970 arise-02 
1990 - 2230 arise-03 
2235 - 2475 arise-04 



They come with generic mecanim. This version works in unity without problems.
Hey there!

I noticed this package has animations, and a ton of 3d models for all different programs, that is great! My question is, what is the difference between this and the Unity Asset Store version? Is this not mechanim compatible? It looks very promising but I am not sure, I would rather buy on the asset store, but they don't look like they come with any animations on the Asset Store.

Thanks for your time!
