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Fully rigged and animated Fantasy Lizard 3D model.
3 color options
Polygon count: 8696 Triangles. Textures: 4096x4096x3 diffuse maps, normal map, specular map, specular color map
8 styles texture variations. 512x512 .jpg map. Bump and illumination textures included.
Fully rigged, textured and animated Souleater Monster 3D model
Comes fully animated and formatted for use in Unity and other engines with diffuse, normal, specular texture maps and 12 game-ready animations.
Fully rigged, textured and animated Genie 3D model
Separated Magic Lamp included3 color options, armor-off options
Polygon count: Genie: 6648 tris, magic lamp: 1898 tris (LOD1: 1200 tris, LOD2: 800 tris) Textures: diffuse maps, normal map, specular map, opacity map
- Single mesh with 10 textures skins.- 458 triangles geometry.- High quality 1024x1024 textures included.
Low poly Peasant male model. Comes fully formatted for use in Unity and other engines with texture maps, face, hair options. 11 gameready animations
3 face options + 3 hair options
Body: 2006 polygons, head: 590 polygons
10 styles texture variations. 1024x1024 .jpg texture Model is optimized for real-time engines.
- 1024x1024 .tga diffuse, normal and specular maps.- Triangles count: 3672-body, 262-weapon, 140-bracelet- weapon and bracelet are separate removable objects.- 24 animations.
Fully rigged, textured and animated Tyrannosaurus Rex 3D model 4 color options
Polygon count: 5694 Triangles
13 animations